Saturday 14 December 2013

Thanks a million Google!

I've worked with Google from their early beginnings and learned how to get a page recognised and well ranked in their searches. Yes there's a but coming and it's a big BUT...

Now Google have changed their search algorithm, its now called Hummingbird and has messed up and ruined all my efforts to promote my websites. Instead of enjoying the top position on page 1 for a particular search query the same search reduces the website to page 8.

Well what can you do about that. Traffic has halved for my clients that enjoyed a No. 1 position for many years. Their income has severely dropped to a third of its former glory. So what is the answer?

There are many seo "experts" out there saying content is king so maybe that's the next step to get good content, but will google ever forgive me and my sites ranking improve. I do hope so cos I will be out of a job soon...

Lets keep positive and keep on trying!